Houses are but badly built boats so firmly aground that you cannot think of moving them. They are definitely inferior things, belonging to the vegetable not the animal world, rooted and stationary, incapable of gay transition. I admit, doubtfully, as exceptions, snailshells and caravans.
"Racundra's" First Cruise by Arthur Ransome. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1923.
Tsiteeritud Arhiivraamatukogu rajaja Oskar Kallase poolt Inglismaalt ostetud esmatryki originaali järgi (selle väljaande ainueksemplar Eestis).
Soovitan. Vihje: Leonid Parašini tõlge eesti keelde aastast 1998 on raamatukogudest kergemini kättesaadav.
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